Future of data standards: utilising and sharing data

Chris Lees presented with Dr Rob Wray (HACT) and Doug Silverstone (MTVH) at the Business Transformation in Housing conference on the 1st May, organized by the National Housing Federation.

The session – “Future of data standards: utilising and sharing data” – looked at the trends that are driving needs for improving capabilities in using and sharing data, as well as how to assess your organization’s current competency and plan how to move forward.

Chris talked about how to determine if a data standard was viable for adoption, and had a grown-up conversation about the state of our industry when it comes to manging data and undertaking analytics. From pugs to the large hadron collider, the session encouraged delegates to reflect on their own organizational maturity in these key areas in a light hearted and memorable format.

Let’s choose strong standards, that have a good, healthy heritage!